Writing Tips

by Shawn Lamb

Dealing with Traditional Publishers

Tips by author Shawn Lamb

In this video, I give tips on how to deal with traditional publishers, query letters, and even landing an agent.

Self-Publishing (Part 2)

Tips on Writing by Shawn Lamb

In part 2 of my answer regarding publishing, I briefly discuss self-publishing – why I started, and some tips on how to proceed, and what to expect.


Tips by author Shawn Lamb

I talk about “archetypes”, and giving characters personality.

Naming Characters

Tips by author Shawn Lamb

In this video, I answer a reader’s question about how I name my characters, and discuss how those names can interfere with a story.

Plotting Styles

Tips by author Shawn Lamb

In this video, I discuss the 2 most common plotting styles that are most taught in writing classes.

When writing, are you a Pantster or Plotter?

Tips by author Shawn Lamb

This short video talks about the difference between “pantsters” and “plotters” when it comes to story writing. Which one are you?

Editing Tips

Tips by author Shawn Lamb

To answer a frequent question “How do I edit my book?” I briefly discuss 3 options; freelance editor, critique group, and beta readers.